Michigan Center for Skin Care Research, Dermatologist in Michigan
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Michigan Center for Skin Care Research, Dermatologist in Michigan
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Clinical research trials are used to test and evaluate investigational drugs and treatments. Before a new investigational drug or treatment can be considered for approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it must be shown to be both safe and effective. A carefully monitored clinical research trial is the best way to find out if a new treatment is safe, effective, or better than what is already available.

Every clinical trial attempts to answer some very specific research questions. To do this, each trial has certain requirements about your health, age, gender, the type and stage of a disease, previous treatment history, and other medical conditions. You must meet the requirements of a particular trial to be an eligible volunteer.

Patients in clinical trials receive study-medication, tests and exams at no charge throughout the course of the study. Participants have access to new investigational treatments long before they're available to the public and receive closer monitoring than they would receive during standard treatment. Also patients in clinical trials have the unique opportunity to contribute to the advancement of medical research. Your participation in a clinical trial can affect and improve the treatment of medical conditions for generations to come.

Risks and side effects exist with almost any treatment whether it is standard care or a clinical trial. Although researchers expect certain results from each trial, the fact that a drug is still being studied makes it impossible to rule out side effects or adverse reactions. Many safeguards are in place to make clinical trials as safe as possible and protect patient rights. The progress of patients is closely monitored to detect and record any changes. Periodic reviews of test results and other statistics are carried out while the trial is underway to ensure maximum safety.

Please review our list of current and upcoming studies. If you are interested in participating in a particular trial, please contact Skin Care Research for further information and preliminary screening to see if you are eligible. If it is determined that you are an eligible candidate for the trial, a visit will be scheduled where the study coordinator will meet with you and explain the trial in detail, the procedures that need to be followed and answer any questions that may arise. This process is called informed consent and is essential before any volunteer is enrolled in any clinical trial. This screening visit is also an opportunity for the study coordinator to obtain a full medical history from the participant. He or she may also perform a physical exam and schedule any laboratory tests that may be necessary before participation in the study can begin.

You need to take the trial seriously and be committed to completing the entire trial. The trial investigators and sponsor need you to be at appointments on time, to follow their instructions carefully, and especially to take and use any medication exactly as told. In many cases, follow-up visits must occur with certain "windows" of time. Missing a scheduled appointment may make you ineligible to continue the study. Your full cooperation and participation is needed if the investigators are to collect the information they must have for a successful study.