Michigan Center for Skin Care Research, Dermatologist in Michigan
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Michigan Center for Skin Care Research, Dermatologist in Michigan
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Alopecia Areata Acne Topical Atopic Dermatitis Slimming of Face
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Clinical trials are necessary for the advancement of medical technology. These trials provide information about many diseases and their treatment. Most people who participate in research hope that the information from the research will improve their condition in the future and/or provide a benefit for others, like getting a medicine approved by the FDA. Patients who volunteer are directly responsible for the advancement of medicine. Thank you, volunteers!

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Protecting your privacy is important to us. If you sign up for the newsletter, your information will only be used to contact you to tell you more about the studies. If you become a volunteer, your contact details will be stored in our database. You have the choice to be removed at any time. Just call 586-286-7325 or email clinicaltrials@skincareresearch.com so that we know to remove your contact information.